Kulturwerk des bbk berlin at C.A.R. Video Lounge

Directors Lounge is pleased to present a selection of animations created by our partner Medienwerkstatt Berlin at the contemporary art ruhr, 27-29 Oct. 2017.

Since 2009, the artist run media workspace of the bbks´s Kulturwerk supplies infrastructure and media knowledge for visual artists to realise media art works.

In order to initiate cooperation and to share knowledge the media workspace is creating an expert-pool. Regulary meetings on media and art support media artists in Berlin and help networking between them. Themes are media borderlands and a critical understanding of new media. Also there is a wide offer of workshops at the Bildungswerk open for all visual artists in Berlin that are looking for support in their media work.


Detailed info:

Directors Lounge at the Contemporary Art Ruhr 2017


C.A.R Video Lounge |
the complete Medienwerkstatt Berlin program:

Maria Felix Korporal Eine Katze hat sieben Leben | A Cat Has Seven Lives 07:32 min
Laurent Bebín (Carbon Cream) weit weg | far away 00:50 min
Petra Lottje Fragen an den Mond | Questions to the Moon 04:46 min
Herbert Liffers Pendel | „Pendulum“ 03:12 min
Lina Walde In circles 02:35 min
Heike Hamann WG | WG (flatsharing) 03:00 min
Darko Aleksovski Texturen | Textures 01:17 min
Sandra Becker Mont Royal 02:20 min
Marissa Rae Niederhauser Heiligtum|Zuflucht | Sanctuary 02:42 min
Weronika Skonieczna Nein I No 00:21 min
Karen Thastum (Tura Ya Moya) Eis 02:00 min
Anett Vietzke & Veronika Bökelmann Rückzug | Retreat 05:00 min
Rosanna Chizhova Selbstportrait | SelfPortrait 05:00 min
Lioba von den Driesch heute wird morgen gestern sein | tomorrow today will be yersterday 02:00 min
Betty Böhm Nocturne  03:00 min
Helen Anna Flanagan Trance 02:13 min
Juliane Ebner Landstrich | Stretch of Land 09:00 min


pictured: “Eine Katze hat sieben Leben” by  Maria Felix Korporal /  “Mont Royal” by Sandra Becker