– 26 June 2016
Meet us at our chilly lounge at Hi-ReS! for a banquette of fine media art, films and installations.
We are very happy to announce that Korhan Erel will be presenting an audio-visual performance to the visuals of Candaş Şişman on Saturday at 4pm!
Korhan Erel is a computer musician, improviser, sound designer based in Berlin. He plays instruments he designs on a computer by employing various controllers. He is a founding member of Islak Köpek, Turkey’s pioneer free improvisation group, which is regarded as the band that started the free improvisation scene in Turkey. | photo: Peter Tümmers
The performance will be followed by highlights from the Directors Lounge contemporary art ruhr selection at 6pm and new works from Urban Research at 8pm. Last but not least, DL à la carte in collaboration with shoutr labs is always at your service.
Find the complete DL program here.
Hi-ReS! Berlin
Ganghoferstr. 10
Eingang Parkhaus /5. OG
12043 Berlin