APOTROPIA Sense of Place, 2015

APOTROPIA Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace, 2016

Directors Lounge presents works by APOTROPIA | Contemporary Art Ruhr, June 3-5, 2016

APOTROPIA is a duo based in Rome, Italy, consisting of dancer/media artist Antonella Mignone and artist/composer Cristiano Panepuccia. Their work explores the interconnections between performing arts and all forms of audiovisual expressions.

Sense of Place, 2015
The term “sense of place” may describe both an arrangement of features that makes a place unique and the sensation and perception of place as experienced by the living bodies that belong to it.

The body is our general medium for having a world and our relationship to space is inevitably connected with culture and shaped by the kind of bodies we have.

Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace, 2016
Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace
takes inspiration from the concept of emotional memory, depicting the encounter of two lovers in a liminal dimension, a place where movements preserve the memory of the past and create a synthesis of the entire action.
The work has been created with a mix of body projection, light painting, real time randomization and animation techniques.

Echoes of a Forgotten Embrace and Sense of Place are both chapters that constitute DROP , a project divided into several autonomous works focusing on the dialectical relationship between the concept of Infinity and Control as a fundamental issue of human nature.


Directors Lounge heading for contemporary art ruhr.
(C.A.R.), the media art fair, June 3 5, 2016

Find the Directors Lounge booth and the C.A.R. Video Lounge (Auditorium) in the SANAA building right behind the entrance in hall 35 (A35), ground floor. 

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