Directors Lounge presents: art (not art)
tues oct 3rd 9pm • concierge schreiner 10 f'hain
• screenings • loungy tunes by djane hatifa zou
Directors Lounge presents: a summer evening with ...
a series of special screenings every thursday
in cooperation with Rote Loge, Meinblau, Baiz and Z Bar
Directors Lounge special selection
at Inner Spaces Gallery Poznan may 12th & 13th
Figures Of Motion • Kunst in Bewegung
Video Installations and screenings at Castle Plueschow april 28th - may 1st
more (german)
inbetween • stereotypical readability
Galerie der Künstler Maximilianstr. 42, Munich; april 13th more
assorted videos now on Directors Lounge television
Directors talk part 01
Fanhall Studio spreading the spirit of independence in Chinese cinema
An interview with Zhu Rikun, founder of Fanhall Studio and curator of our forthcoming presentation of independent Chinese documentaries english français
Directors Lounge announces Directors talk
Directors Lounge 2006 february 9-19.06
Directors Lounge television watch the movies online
DSL recommended, flashplayer required
previous projects
Street Lounge
Directors Lounge on flying visit
Elina Saloranta
timecapsules zeitschleifen
Zeitreise in die Gegenwart
Directors Lounge 2005 february 10-20.05
impressions from Directors Lounge 2005
full program