
screeningsDL televisioninstallations













> why ? ...because we can

Seriously, Directors Lounge started as an experiment, a relaxed space for filmmakers, videoartists and everybody interested in experimental forms of cinema and videoart, during The Berlin International Film Festival.
Directors Lounge functioned as a hideaway, a meeting point and also as a starting point for new creative collaborations.

At a time when Berlin is addicted to cinema Directors Lounge presented rare, experimental or simply unknown works which often don't fit into any category. Video installations and Live-events that go beyond the boundries of the screen expanded the program literally.

The overwhelming response by both, the public and the artists encourages us to continue Directors Lounge not only as an annual event but to seek for new collaborations as well.
Since our start in february we had been invited by several institutions, art-events and cinematic venues to show special screenings and exhibitions. The new launched Directors Lounge television is a first step to explore new ways to distribute video-art over the net. The fact that these opportunities are widely reduced by some Hollywood-majors to a debate about piracy underlines the necessity for an active engagement in these developments.

Beside the art itself, the relaxed mood of a lounge was one of the great benefits of the Directors Lounge. You actually could meet a bunch of directors every night thus making the name Directors Lounge more than just a fancy label.
We will continue to focus on events that endorse such a vivid dialogue.







> Directors Lounge 2006 is made possible in part by Cafe Dix in der Berlinischen Galerie cine plus

> Special screenings in collaboration with AV-ARRKI microcinema mochafilm club NoMasala

our herores: placebo FX, Fragments, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, SIEBENGRUENDE, Joppel-Bürkle IT,, IF Museum/Inner Spaces, Kunstsalon Wilde Gans

>Directors Lounge 2006
is the brainchild of Designhof e.V., A&O-gallery and the Kunstfoerderverein Treptow e.V
