
Team Directors Lounge 2006
list of artists
Directors Lounge is the brainchild of Designhof e.V., A&O-gallery, Cinema Desaster and the Kunstfoerderverein Treptow e.V. with outstanding support from fragments, placebo FX, Berliner Licht & Silber and many other friends.
Directors Lounge is not in any way associated with The Berlin International Film Festival.
Directors Lounge 2006 is made possible in part by Cafe Dix in der Berlinischen Galerie 
Special screenings in collaboration with AV-ARRKI microcinema mochafilm club NoMasala
our herores: placebo FX, Fragments, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, SIEBENGRUENDE, Joppel-Bürkle IT,
monitoranimation.de, IF Museum/Inner Spaces, Kunstsalon Wilde Gans
Directors Lounge 2006
is the brainchild of Designhof e.V., A&O-gallery and the Kunstfoerderverein Treptow e.V |