Slow Space
a film and art project by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Premiere at Kino Arsenal/ Friends of German Kinemathek
june 7th 9pm more
Directors Lounge special selection
at Inner Spaces Gallery Poznan may 12th & 13th
impressions program
Figures Of Motion • Kunst in Bewegung
Video Installations and screenings at Castle Plueschow april 28th - may 1st
more (german) impressions here and here
assorted videos from inbetween • stereotypical readability
now on Directors Lounge television
Galerie der Künstler Maximilianstr. 42, Munich; april 13th more
CANDELA! Cuban side-tracks now on Directors Lounge television
independent video from Cuba, curated by Kristin Bergaust
Exploring City Scape Berlin, Chicago, Hannover
Short films by urban research curator Klaus W. Eisenlohr
a special screening and discussion at the
Arsenal/Friends of German Kinemathek Berlin
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 4:30 pm.more
fresh videos from the current Lounge now on Directors Lounge television
the complete Directors Lounge 2006 program all screenings
Installations and video loops
Directors Lounge 2006 at a glance facts and highlights
announcing Directors Lounge 2006 february 9-19.06
announcing Directors Lounge television watch the movies online
DSL recommended, flashplayer required
Team Directors Lounge 2006 welcomes Kim Collmer and Lynn Loo as special curators.
Intimate Journeys, curated by Lynn Loo presents films inspired by travels. Lynn Loo is originally from Singapore and currently based in London.
Forming Motion: Animated Artistic Expertiments by Kim Collmer compiles a variety of animated shorts. Kim Collmer, currently Guest Professor in Media Design at the Fachhochschule SchwaebischHall. Originally from Seattle, Washington.
Team Directors Lounge 2006 welcomes Zhu Rikun (Fanhall Studio/Beijing) as special curator.
Team Directors Lounge 2006 welcomes Marina Foxley, Prof.Daniela Butsch, Prof.Kristin Bergaust and Klaus W. Eisenlohr as special curators.