• DL 2008 program magazine blog installations location map

Just to tease you (more to follow)
• Video installations Foyer
A wide variety of video installations will be on display at the foyer.
Space is limited and loops will screened in exchange. Don´t hesitate to ask if you are looking for a specific work.Works that relate to specific programss will be shown alongside the screening Go here for a list of all installation art.
• Impressions of China • yìn xiàng zhōng guó Thurs 14th 8 pm Fri 15th 8 pm
This fresh selection of Chinese works gives another look of the independent production from Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing today, showing various styles and impressions. It consists of 3 programs. Program 1, "Memory and Urban Development" focuses on the effects of the rapid change on all levels in contemporary China and mixes documentary, experimental, video art, fiction. Program 2, "Short Stories : Attitudes and Expressions", deals with the relationships between the individual and the group, between individuals, between men and women. They display a certain attitude and way of thinking that city youngsters adopt.
In addition to these programs, a performance video and a video installation will be screened.
Curated and presented by Marina Foxley
• Monumental • curated by Kim Collmer Fri 8th 10pm
with assistance from the Voyeur Collective in Australia.
Monumental shows work which subverts or rallies behind the notion of
monument. Bombastic, proud, sometimes pitiful, these works reflect on a
human desire to commemorate our various triumphs.
n attendance of Kim Collmer.
• Thorsten Fleisch & Telemach Wiesinger Sat 9th 10pm
The experimental filmmakers Thorsten Fleisch and Telemach Wiesinger come together for the first time to battle the silver screen, showing material they kept hidden from unsuspecting eyes due to their intense nature. Some say there'll be blood and water, others are still gasping for air from the visual shock treatment. Most of the films have neither seen the light of day nor the darkness of the theatre. Prepare yourself for monstrous machines and wicked urban textures.
• SL one • Live from Second Life Sun 10th 11pm
Performance and Installation Art live from Second Life
featuring apPerformance of the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse AOM on Odyssey and ZKM-Island. Followed by a visit of the sparring philosphers, "ZKM Circle" (Karlsruher Kreis) at ZKM island. Produced by The SLatelliterates. And finally a performance of Second Front.(duration 15mins)
Curated and guided by Olga Wunderlich
• FemLink • Resistance Mon 11th 6:30pm
The FemLink's structure is simple one artist from each country will create a short video (2min max.) around a common theme. In 2007, the theme was "Resistance".
The resulting video collage project builds a link throughout the world between women video artists and their work.
30 videos from 30 artists from 30 countries.
• Carole Kim Fri 8th midnight
Curated by Catherine Forster, LiveBox Gallery Chicago
Carole Kim is an interdisciplinary artist with a focus on performance-based video installation combining digital/new media technologies and the sensitivity of the improvisational live performer/participant. The work emphasizes video’s capacity as a live medium and the illusory architecture of layered video projection in space.
The program is a collection of single channel videos.
• Australia • What Is Fri 8th 6pm
Curated and presented by Kim Donaldson
What is Australia like? There are those that are interested in sport, those that are political, those that like to travel, those that like to just sit and watch, others who don’t mind waiting and those that like to do. There are also those who are interested in popular culture, others who are into architecture and others still who are into sci-fi or environmental issues. There is also a lot of space and it never really gets cold. This program is not about narratives but about what is.
• Australia • Other Cinema Sat 9th 6pm
Curated by Shaun Wilson
Video art that reflects an 'other' cinema; artists create works which reflect aspects of cinema yet is neither short film or commercial narrative-based.
• Australia • Killing Me Softly Thurs 14th midnight
Curated by Shaun Wilson
Video art that frames darkened themes of cinema including death, noir murder and state control. THX 1138 meets The Shinning meets Wolf Creek, these emerging video artists give the viewer an overview of all things disturbing about late night TV.
• SL two • Live from Second Life Fri 15th 6pm
Curated and guided by Olga Wunderlich
Art Places, Performance and Filmmaking in Second Life
YOUin3D.com presentation with excerpt from "Kinshasa 2.0"
A Guided Tour through NewBerlin and the NewBerlin Art Festival
Virtual JAZZ with Juria Yoshikawa (visuals and installation) and Noizz Papp (sounds) on Diabolus Island as part of the current art show CARP3
"Gaz of the Desert" film by Gazira Babeli, artist in Second Life, filmed entirely on Odyssey Island
Program starts on time.
• Entr'acte • Cinematism Fri 15th 10pm
Curated and presented by George Drivas
Inspired by Rene Claire’s film, “Entr’acte” is a tribute to the roots of the cinematic and to one of the first times in the history of the cinema, when the fine arts and the film world find themselves together. “Entr’acte” attempts to reinvigorate the discourse of what happens when artists challenge the moving image.
First shown as part of as part of Athens International Art Fair, Art Athina 2007
• One Minute Sat 16th 8pm
Curated by Kerry Baldry
A programme of experimental, oblique and poetic video featuring the work of a number of artists at varying stages of their careers. A myriad of approaches, techniques, media and processes have been employed, creating elusive, challenging and memorable work. All have one thing in common: that they have been edited within the time limit of 60 seconds.
• Zebra • Film and Poetry Sat 16th10pm
Curated and presented by Thomas Zandegiacomo de Bel
Assorted highlights from the biannual ZEBRA Poetry Film Award which has established itself as an inter-national forum for short films that deal with the content, aesthetics or form of poems
• Feature • Coffee Sex You Sun 17th 6:30pm
So many famous people I like died when they were 27... Kurt Cobain, Janice Joplin, Jim Morrison. Also - death is inevitable - so why pay more taxes?
‘Coffee Sex You’ directed by Marcel Grant stars Rosie Fellner (Magicians and Nine Lives with Paris Hilton and Vivienne Harvey) and Caspar Zafer (Tirante el Blanco and Peperoni ripieni e pesci in faccia with Sophia Loren).
• The fourth Directors Lounge Berlin will take place from 7. - 17. february, at the time of the 58th Berlin International Festival. Expect video art and experimental film from all flavors and parts of the world.
Several curated programs, specials, accompanied by DJs and VJs ensure ten cosmopolitan days and nights..
Once again we will offer a hideaway, a relaxed space for filmmakers, videoartists and everybody interested in experimental forms of cinema and videoart.
• The screenings are followed by nights of music and specials. The Lounge as a club, the spot to dance the night away.
• As the name suggests – Directors Lounge will always be a meetingpoint, a place to have a drink and to lounge around with other friendly lizards
7 - 17th february 2008 Berlin Mitte, Friedrich Str. 112A
daily from 6 pm - open end
• We don´t want to spoil the fun, more details will be added over time. Subscribe to our newsfeed to stay informed