• Sa sat 09 02
•18 h 30 • 6:30 pmAustralia curated by Shaun Wilson
After Cinema
Video art that reflects an 'other' cinema; artists create works which
reflect aspects of cinema yet is neither short film or commercial
narrative-based. Is it video art? Is it cinema? Or is it something in between or just completely to the side of both? A visualization of Brendan Lee's article raising the same kind of themes 'More Video Art PLease'
Artists include Shaun Wilson, Tammy Honey, Brendan Lee,
Brie Trenary, John A Douglas

Shaun Wilson, Uber Nocturnus iii (2007), HDV , 9 mins
• 20 h • 8 pmcurating curators I by Daniela Butsch
• Barbara Hindahl • Minimale Veraenderung
Alle gezeigten Videos erzeugen durch minimale Bewegungen oder Veraenderungen, im Raum entweder eine sukzessive Ortsbeschreibung (Wolf), eine Lichtveraenderung (Hindahl), eine scheinbare Veraenderung des Aggregatzustandes durch Manipulation der Geschwindigkeit (Butsch), den gedehnten Versuch, eine Kommunikation aufzunehmen (Wenzel), eine drastische Erkenntnis ueber Gewalt (Sugar) und einen scheinbaren Stillstand (van Riel, Hindahl, Brand)
curated and presented by Barbara Hindahl
• Jens Brand DE HUM 10 min (excerpt) , DV, 2002
• Daniela ButschDE speed manipulation 2 min 9s, DV, 2003
• Barbara Hindahl DE Stuecke in Echtzeit 3 min
• Els van Riel BE Doundo 11 min, DV
• Janos SugarHU The Typewriter of the Illiterate 11 min, DV, 2001
• Janos Sugar RU Holy Shit 3 min, DV, 2007
• Bettina Wenzel DE Varyfying User’s Name 12 min, DV
• Martina Wolf DE Treppe 12 min, DV, 2003
• Martina Wolf DE Fensterbild 13 min, 2001
• Im Anschluss • followed by live music and poetry
• Werner Degreif
minimal changes curated by Barbara Hindahl

Martina Wolf DE Treppe 12 min, DV, 2003
• 22 h • 10 pm Super 8 und 16mm Kinematographie
• Thorsten Fleisch & Telemach Wiesinger
The experimental filmmakers Thorsten Fleisch and Telemach Wiesinger come together for the first time to battle the silver screen, showing material they kept hidden from unsuspecting eyes due to their intense nature. Some say there'll be blood and water, others are still gasping for air from the visual shock treatment. Most of the films have neither seen the light of day nor the darkness of the theatre. Prepare yourself for monstrous machines and wicked urban textures.
Thorsten Fleisch and Telemach Wiesinger will be present

• 24 h • 12 pm Happy Famous Artists
• Eastern Philosophy
Happy Famous Artists are a collective combining ideas of Intelligensius Anarchus and Jeff Blind.
Our work is multimedial and conceptual with main areas of inspiration being the sciences, philosophy and psychology, political and social phenomena on one side, and classical as well as contemporary art and popular culture on the other. Our key interest lies in the research of how these perceived authorities shape and influence general perception of reality."
Eastern Philosophy, the logical sequel to Western Philosophy, will be presented in world premiere in attendance of the Happy Famous Artists
• Im Anschluss Dance Lounge
Keep On presents: Akiyuki Tanno
The Party Collective ‚Keep On‘ presents an evening with raw disco tunes, early electronic dance music and New York House Tracks.
DJs: Christopher Degras
Jochen Otto
The Party Collective ‚Keep On‘ presents an evening with raw disco tunes, early electronic dance music and New York House Tracks.
DJs: Christopher Degras
Jochen Otto
Keep On consists of Jochen Otto and Christophe Degars as well as various associated DJs and musicians. Keep On pushes music which is between soulful techno and deep house by organizing parties and open-Airs and hosting a monthly radio show. Fine House Music: Keep On!
Akiyuki is a DJ from Tokio and played in various Clubs in Berlin, including the Tiger Beer Events ‘Tiger Translate’. He is also hosting a regular Party Evening ‘Boogaloo’ and hosted a Radio Show on Twen FM. Be prepared to take a trip from jazz-funk hits to uplifting disco and house sounds.
