• Sa sat 16 02
•18 h 00 • 6 pmUrban Research curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Utopien Gestern und Heute
• Urban Research Institute DE trailer 3 min, DV, 2007
• Clemens FuertlerAU Bildmaschine 3 min
42s, DV, 2007
• raumlaborBerlin, Matthias Rick und Florian Riegel DE u(topie) 18
45 min, DV, 2007
• Maya Schweizer, Clemens von Wedemeyer DE METROPOLIS
report from China 42 min, DV, 2006
Program starts on time. Programm beginnt pünktlich.
Past and Present Utopias - Utopien Gestern und Heute
Depictions of Utopia are past visualisations of the future, even
with today’s speeded-up technical and social transformation of
urban life. The highway A18 localized in the old steel districts
of Germany was - at the time it was built - an utopian project
that became reality. What is being considered as inhuman today,
the joint public and individual traffic in one axis through
residential and commercial areas was back then the most advanced planning of its time. Maya Schweizer and Clemens von Wedemeyer, on The other hand, find imagery almost identical to Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis in Shanghai. On a visual level, they ask about the meaning of this reappearance of past futuristic visions. The pictures Clemens Fuetler retrieves from his “image machine”, a model-sized racing track, seem to be equally utopian-real, although the deja vues he is creating, possibly rather relate to the realism of media than to real-life experiences. A brief presentation of Urban Research Institute in Nuernberg completes the program with playful free-will acts in the contemporary city.
• 20 h • 8 pm1 minute PLUS
•Jules Nurrish GB Bend It 3 min, DV, 2007
• Lyida Eccles US Nick Breaks In 12 min, 2006 selected by D.Butsch
In an abandoned, boarded-up and half-demolished old burlesque theater in Boston's Chinatown, the camera trails artist Nicholas Vargelis on his final (illicit) exploration of the ruins- from the basement to the balconies- as he scavenges obsolete light fixtures and photographs the Gaiety one last time before it is reduced to rubble for a luxury condo development.
In attendance of Nicholas Vargelis
One Minute compiled by Kerry Baldry
One Minute,is a programme of experimental, oblique and
poetic videos curated by Kerry Baldry featuring the
work of artists at varying stages of their careers. A
myriad of approaches, techniques, media and processes
have been employed, creating elusive, challenging and
memorable work. All have one thing in common: that
they have been edited within the time limit of 60
includes work by:
Gordon Dawson, Katherine Meynell, Steven Ball,
Kerry Baldry,Erica Scourti, Deklan Kilfeather,
Steve Hawley, Lynn Loo, Philip Sanderson,
Andy Fear, David Leister/Harris, Phillip Warnell,
Riccardo Iacono, Claire Morales, Unconscious Films,
Laure Prouvost, Claudia Digangi,
Eva Rudlinger, Fil Ieropoulos and Lilly Zinan Ding,
Stuart Pound, Tina Keane,
Nick Herbert, Hilary Jack, Martin Pickles,
Mark Wigan, Esther Johnson.
• 22 h •10 pmFilm and Poetry curated by Thomas Zandegiacomo
• Assorted highlights from the biannual ZEBRA poetry film festival
• Julian Grey CA Budapest 1 min 6s, DV, 2006
• Jay Rosenblatt US Afraid So 3 min , DV, 2006
• Kylie Hibbert NZ belles lettres - Mirror 3 min 23s, DV, 2005
• Ian William Gouldstone GB Corollary 2 min, DV, 2004
• Friederike Jehn, Sebastian Stern, le: forel: Lale Nalpantoglu und Jens Schillmöller, Lars Büchel DE nichts_weiter_als (Nothing_more_than)
25 min 25s, DV, 2005
• Jochen Kuhn DE Sonntag 1 (Sunday 1) 6 min, DV, 2005
• Dan Chyutis IL Hu Tsofe (Watching) 7 min, 35mm, 2003
• Taatske Pieterson NL One Person/Lucy 3 min 30s, DV, 2005
• Ruth Linkford GB The Old Fools 5 min 37s, DV, 2002
• Silvana Elena Franzetti AR nummerierte schichten (foliated layers)
2 min 40s, 2005
• Igor Strembitsky RU Podorozhni (Wayfarers) 9 min 43s, DV, 2005
• Tamarin Norwood GB Door Feather Door 4 min 43s, DV, 2005
• Lucette Braune NL Werkster (Charlady) 2 min 30s, 2005
In attendance of Thomas Zandegiacomo de Bel

Kylie Hibbert NZ belles lettres - Mirror
By transforming the words into kinetic performance the film seeks to expand typographical conventions of published poetry.
Die Grenzen typographischer Richtlinien für Poesiepublikationen werden durch eine kinetische Wortperformance gesprengt.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has become established as the largest viewing forum for short films relating to poetry in terms of content, aesthetics or form. The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is a project of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in cooperation with interfilm berlin
• 24 h •12 pmconcert
Laptoporchester Berlin
Das Laptoporchester Berlin ist das erste ausführende Laptopensemble. Deren Musiker benutzen Notebooks als Instrumente. Mittels zeitgenössischer Audio-Art interpretiert und dekonstruiert das Laptoporchester Berlin Werke verschiedener musikalischer Genres, z.B: Experimentelle Elektronische Musik, Elektroakustische Musik, Avantgarde / Neue Musik, Klassik und Moderne Klassik.
Alexander Augsten – Laptop
Marek Brandt – Laptop
Andrés G. Jankowski – Laptop
Oliver Kiesow – Laptop
Shintaro Miyazaki – Laptop
and more – Laptop
• Dance Lounge
Keep On pres. DJ Loganic
The Party Collective ‚Keep On‘ presents an evening with detroit modern funk, soulful techno tracks dubby deep house.
DJs: Jochen Otto
Christophe Degars
DJ Loganic
Keep On consists of Jochen Otto and Christophe Degars as well as various associated DJs and musicians. Keep On pushes music which is between soulful techno and deep house by organizing parties and open-Airs and hosting a monthly radio show. Fine House Music: Keep On!
A NYC artist & dj based in Berlin, Loganic has been spinning for more than 15 years, playing parties, as well as producing "Soundscapes," stories & themes illustrated through musical mixes. He's presented his creative array of sounds in places ranging from Cookies in Berlin to the Studio Museum In Harlem.

DJ Loganic
