18h 30 6.30 pm...Urban Space as Chance Stadtraum – sozialer Raum?
urban research curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr
Klaus W. Eisenlohr D Stadtrandzone Mitte in Kronsberg 11 min 17 s, DV, 2005
Daniel Kunle und Holger Lauinger D Nicht Mehr | Noch Nicht 82 min , DV, 2004
..................................... Mr. Lauinger will be present
GVH Hannover (Katja Striefler) D
Tu was dann tut sich was
loop-installation 13 min, DV, 2003
Mrs. Katja Striefler will be present
20h 30 8.30 pm..............................................................................Intimate Journey
curated by Lynn Loo
Ooni Peh SG In Transit 6 min, S8, 1994
Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo US/SG Untitled (Maya and Paul) 5 min ,S8 silent, 2005
Victric Thng SG Moonly 3 min, DV, 2003
Paul Martin GB The Thames From Charing Cross Bridge - A Study 6 min , S8 silent, 1993
Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo US/SG Untitled (Maya and Paul) 5 min ,S8 silent, 2005
Lynn Loo SG Railway 5 min, DV, 2005
Ruth Novaczek GB/US 50 / 50 5 min , DV, 1998
Jean Gabriel Périot FR Dies Irae 10 min , DV, 2005
an indeep description of all films can be found on Lynn Loo´s page filed under curatorial.

Victric Thng Moonly
Intimate Journey
Films inspired by travels. Independent filmmakers share visual expressions of their individual journeys.
The seven filmmakers involved in the programme were invited to review each other's films.
Lynn Loo is originally from Singapore and currently based in London. Her works draw on similarities between music and film. Her knowledge of musical structure is applied to the thought-processes of experimental filmmaking.
22h 10 pm...............Forming Motion: Animated Artistic Experiments pt 2
curated by Kim Collmer with assistance by Microcinema International ........part 1 sun 12th 10 pm
please note: slight changes have been made to Forming Motion that aren´t reflected yet.
go here for the actual compilation and an indeep description of all movies.
Stephen Arthur CA Vision Point 1 min 27 s, DV, 2002
Chirstinn & Jake Whyte & Messenger GB Text Field 1 min, DV, B&W, 2002
Carl Nolting US Disintegrated Memory Lapse 4 min 22 s, DV, 2003
Rick Raxlen US Brand New Triathalon 8 min 30 s, S16, 2005
Michiel van Bakel NL 5 am 1 min 15 s, DV, 2002
Michael Betancourt US Aurora 1 min, DV, 2001
Brian Evans US Amazilia 2 min 15 s, DV, 2004
Marianna Ellenberg GB 250 mg 2 min 30 s, DV, 2002
Paul Fletcher US Lake Qualm - December the 3rd, 3 min 50 s, DV, 2004
Bärbel Neubauer D Algorithmen 3 min 17 s, DV, 1994
Chieh Huang US Birdon 3 min , DV, 2003
Janet Galore US Party Party 1 min 30 s, DV, 2006
Edie Faig US Side Show 9 min, 35mm, 2001
Christina Spangler US Unearthed 8 min , S16, 2002
Elina Roditou GB Berio 8 min, DV, 2004
Norma V Toraya US Lovers Supplant 2 min 08 s, DV, 2005
Andy Collen US Winter/En Hiver 6 min, DV, 2004
Shizuko Tabata JP Childhood 2 min 30 s, DV, 2001
A night of animation shorts collected from around the world. The animations are created by both artists who use animation in an experimental way, and trained animators who demonstrate the beauty of the medium..
Forming Motion full program (pdf)

Edie Faig SideShow
It's all fun and games until somebody loses an arm.....
Shizuko Tabata Childhood Is the memory of your childhood a happy or sad one? Everything has gone to the past, but we can only look forward.... |
24h 12 pm...........................................................................................midnight feature
Fran Estévez ES
Metamorphosis (nach Kafka) 19 minutes, 35mm, 2004
One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams,
he discovered that he had been changed into a monstrous bug.
Bady Minck AT
La Belle est la Bête - 1ère épisode (words: Franz Kafka) 3 minutes, 35mm, 2005
Ein Traum, eine Frau, eine Zunge aus Pel...
A dream, a woman, a furred tongue.....
Raúl Cerezo ES
ESCARNIO (Scorn) 23 minutes, Btcam Digital to 35mm, 2004
Cast/ Besetzung: Belén Ponce de León, Ignacio Gijón, Pilar Serrano, Sara Pena
Ein abgeschlagener Hühnerkopf, bedrohliche Farben.
Das Grauen schleicht sich langsam an.
Released in the Oficial Section of the internacional contest of cinema of Catalonia SITGES 2004
In his 2 months of life, it amounts more than 20 national and international selections and has been
awarded in the Fantastic and Terror film contest Molins de Rei, with the First Prize of Juror. |

Fran Estévez Metamorphosis

Raúl Cerezo Escarnio

Raúl Cerezo Escarnio |