So sun 19th february | ||||||||||||
18h 30 6.30 pm................Desire for Modernity Sehnsucht nach Moderne Mariana Vassileva D Journal 6 min, DV, 2005
Dirk Holzberg D
20h 30 8.30 pm.....................................................................................farewell party liveacts, highlights and surprises |
22h 10 pm...............................................................................................farewell party
24h 12 pm.............................................................................................farewell party from dusk till dawn |
Directors Lounge 2006 is made possible in part by Cafe Dix in der Berlinischen Galerie Special screenings in collaboration with AV-ARRKI microcinema mochafilm club NoMasala
our herores: placebo FX, Fragments, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, SIEBENGRUENDE, Joppel-Bürkle IT,, Kunstsalon Wilde Gans | ||||||||||||