
screeningsDL televisioninstallations














> Directors Lounge presents: a summer evening with Yoko Hata a.k.a. GUP-py

> august 10th 10pm Yoko Hata / GUP-py at Rote Loge
Simon-Dachstrasse 22, (next to Revalerstrasse)

Yoko Hata, founder of GUP-py, presents her recent work on video at Rote Loge. In her videos, Yoko Hata combines animations, text and camera images with her poetical reflections on the world. The vernacular, daily life as well as art and architecture become themes of her stories. With her witty talent, she uses raw models of advertisement, documentary and educational formats to amalgamate a vision of a sweet (honey) world, both charming and uncanny. A (mostly female) sweet Japanese voice-over seduces the viewer to follow the artist GUP-py into her artificial, sometimes ideal half-world.
Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Take Me To The Mellarium (Nimm mich mit ins Mellarium), 2003, 07' 52''

"Kommen Sie ins Mellarium!"

"Das Honigtier kann nur der sehen, der es auch sehen will.
Aber was tun, wenn es nicht erscheint?
Dann besuchen Sie das Mellarium!
Dort gibt es all die Honigtiere!
Nach Ihrem Wunsch sind die Honigtiere fuer Sie da."

GUP-py (Yoko Hata) will be present for Q&A

In 1995 GUP-py was founded in Berlin on the initiative of Japanese artist Yoko Hata. Since then GUP-py has expanded to a group working in the different fields – contemporary art, movie, book editing and graphic design.

Travel Dog (Reisehund), 2002, 07'20''

Prospective list of work showing:
Take Me To The Mellarium (Nimm mich mit ins Mellarium), 2003, 07' 52''
The Submarine Swims, Drives, Flies (das U-Boot faehrt, schwimmt, fliegt, 2004, 04'50''
underhoney, 2005, 10'00''
Honey City, 2000, 08'33''
Moving Honey, 1999, 08'40''
Sky Square (Himmel Quadrat), 2002, 01'50''
Island – Landscape Between Sky, Land, Sea (Linie – zwischen Himmel, Erde, Meer), 2001, 06'00''
Travel Dog (Reisehund), 2002, 07'20''
Animal In Our Minds (Tier in unseren Herzen), 2000, 11'08''
All videos in Japanese and German

> Directors Lounge presents:a summer evening with ...
a series of special screenings every thursday
in cooperation with Rote Loge Meinblau, Baiz and Z Bar

Rote Loge Simon-Dachstrasse 22, (next to Revalerstrasse)
S- and U Warschauer Brücke





> Directors Lounge 2006 is made possible in part by Cafe Dix in der Berlinischen Galerie cine plus

> Special screenings in collaboration with AV-ARRKI microcinema mochafilm club NoMasala

our herores: placebo FX, Fragments, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, SIEBENGRUENDE,, Kunstsalon Wilde
Gans, Joppel-Bürkle IT, IF Museum/Inner Spaces, Fanhall Studio

>Directors Lounge 2006
is the brainchild of Designhof e.V., A&O-gallery and the Gallery KMZA
