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memory in motion | 27.11
Erinnerung in Bewegung |

memory in motion

Memory In Motion, Munich 2007, screened media art that seeeks for new ways of remembrance by using the public space as a stage to challenge the neglecting of history with artistic means. The urban space, that makes history visible as architecture, offered the oportunity to connect artistic questioning with concrete history.
Memory In Motion, an intervention into the public space that question the handling of the past, the construction of historiography, the attribution of identity, social and ethnic codes and their reflection in society right there where such a basic discussion should start: in the public.

We show selected works that had been screened during Memory In Motion

program starts at 9 pm
doors open 8 pm

See you at the Scala, Friedrich Str. 112 A, 1st floor




out now: DL magazine

Directors Lounge an introduction















Stiftung Pfefferwerk




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