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Hall Of Fame
Andreas Oehler as the protagonist in Viola Stephan´s The making of Andreas Oehler, long time fellow of Directors Lounge, has been with us since the very first days. As a Director, together with Trude Trunk, he presented already five movies, he joined us as part of the press squad, as a cinematic connoisseur, and always as a friend. This time we´ll meet this Jack of all trades as a singing Director, a Master Of Ceremony. On the occasion of his Book release Oehler´s Straßenlieder (ballads by Andreas Oehler with drawings by Burkhard Mohr and a foreword by Wolf Biermann) do we proudly present Oehler´s Roadshow, together with Verlag Franz Schoen. Andreas Oehler will be live on stage, singing together with Max Emil Schoen & Eleni Wittbrodt. There will be klezmermusik with Elisa Wittbrodt (violin), Eleni Wittbrodt (viola), Robert Sell (guitar),Dominic Neumann (contrabass) und Max Emil Schoen (guitar and mandoline) And as a special guest: Michael Mertes reads from his book:"Du, meine Rose, bist das All für mich". "Wer so virtuos mit der Sprache umgehen kann wie Du und dann trotzdem sich nicht selber auf den Leim geht - will sagen: chronisch humorige Lyrik absondert, der hat beides: Charakter und Talent.
Öhlers Roadshow See you at the Scala, Friedrich Str. 112 A, 1st floor
Hall of Fame Directors Lounge is kindly supported by our heroes: placebo FX, Fragments, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster, monitoranimation.de, |