impressions from the Directors Lounge 2006
some pictures from the Directors Lounge 2006
announcing Directors Lounge 2006 february 9-19. 06
Directors Lounge 2006 at a glance facts and highlights
the complete Directors Lounge 2006 program all screenings
Installations and video loops
download the Directors Lounge program as pdf
Directors Lounge started as an experiment, a relaxed space for filmmakers, videoartists and everybody interested in experimental forms of cinema and videoart, during The Berlin International Film Festival.
Directors Lounge functioned as a hideaway, a meeting point and also as a starting point for new creative collaborations.

The overwhelming response by both, the public and the artists encourages us to continue Directors Lounge in 2006.
Our new home in february, a elegant venue, located in the building of one of the domed towers at the Frankfurter Tor is a landmark of the famous socialist boulevard Karl-Marx-Allee and only a few minutes away from the cinema Internatíonal.
Directors Lounge is not only intended as an annual event, we seek for new collaborations as well. As a result we are proud to announce that the screenings of the second Berlin Directors Lounge will be broadcasted over the net while they are happening.
At a time when Berlin is addicted to cinema Directors Lounge will focus on rare, experimental or simply unknown works which often don't fit into any category. Video installations and Live-events will go beyond the boundries of the screen.
In addition to screenings – and as the name suggests – Directors Lounge will always be a meetingpoint, a place to have a drink and to lounge around with other friendly lizards.
Many details are yet to be cleared.
Now is the time for sharing ideas about Directors Lounge 2006.
We encourage all artists, curators, projects, sponsors, media and everybody interested in video and cinema to send any kind of proposal, concept or suggestion to make the second Directors Lounge an even more vivid event.

Karl-Marx-Allee 137, 10243 Berlin
next to the north-tower of Frankfurter Tor
Metro Frankfurter Tor U5 Tram M10
opening hours
from 6pm open end
screenings start 6.30 pm, 8.30 pm, 10 pm and 12 pm
No admission fee
impressions from Directors Lounge 2005
Please note: Directors Lounge is not in any way associated with The Berlin International Film Festival.
Directors Lounge is the brainchild of Designhof e.V., A&O-gallery, and the Kunstfoerderverein Treptow e.V. with outstanding support from fragments, placebo FX, Berliner Licht & Silber, Cinema Desaster and many other friends.